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The Rona

Someday 2020 will be a distant memory of isolation, masks, quarantine and the Rona. However, today it’s hard to imagine the world going back to any semblance of normal in my lifetime. Corona Virus or COVID-19 came sweeping into our lives and turned them upside seemingly overnight. The virus offered no apologies or explanation for the extreme overhaul and upheaval.

Pre-Rona I was just beginning to feel like myself again. I thought I had won my battle against postpartum anxiety and life seemed full of possibilities. Postpartum anxiety is the ugliest beast I’ve encountered in my lifetime. She made me doubt my value as a wife, mom, daughter and friend. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.

It was mid-March when I realized life was about to change. First came the orders to work from home, followed by avoiding crowds, the restaurants and stores closed, and masks became part of our daily wardrobe. The grocery store felt dangerous, birthdays went by without family and friends and holidays came and passed without recognition.

As the days turned into weeks and months my anxiety began to creep back up. Slowly at first, she appeared, and I was able to push her down. But as more and more time passed, she became louder and more persistent. I was furious. I felt I had finally beat the beast and here she was again, stronger than ever.

I had to start the battle over. But this time I had the tools and knowledge I had lacked my first go around. Slowly but surely as I instituted helpful steps/practices I began to feel better. I still have anxious days, but doesn’t everyone right now?

Things that help me during the Rona:

  1. Planning. Rachel Hollis’s planner and gratitude journal. I love these things. The planner helped me institute structure into my day, which I crave. The journal focuses on gratitude, which was a game changer for my outlook.

  2. Exercise. I’m not an avid exerciser. If you see me running something is very wrong and you should run also. But getting up and moving is good for the soul. So, everyday I try to take a long walk around my neighborhood.

  3. Work. By work I don’t necessarily mean a paying job. That being said I work part-time, and it saves my mental sanity to talk to other adults. I have instituted a weekly chore schedule and “jobs” to complete everyday around the house.

  4. Me time. It’s hard to get “me” time when we can’t leave the house. I’ve combated this by taking fun online classes like photography. I schedule out a little time each week, usually during nap time or when my husband is home, to do something I truly enjoy.

  5. Facetime. I call my mom every morning and have “coffee” dates with my friends on the weekends. Is it as good as meeting in person, NO. Is it better than being a sad sack in my living room watching Sesame Street for the millionth time, YES!

These are just some of the things I’m doing to keep my sanity during the Rona. What have you been doing?

About The Author



  1. Mom Life with P | 24th Jul 20

    These are great tips! I feel you. This has not been good for people with anxiety, or anyone obviously. So glad you’re figuring out what helps!! I’ve also found sooo much relief in yoga! Yoga with Adrienne is great!

    • admin | 27th Jul 20

      These times are weird for sure! I will give yoga a try! Thank you for reading!

  2. Shelly DS | 25th Jul 20

    Shame hang in there! It’s not gonna be an easy year but you’re strong, you’ll make it 💖

    • admin | 25th Jul 20

      Thank you! We will always remember 2020!

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