May 2019

I skipped the humidifier like a fool

Colds are terrible little creations … they interrupt sleep, eating and happiness in general. I despise having a cold myself but there is something especially terrible about watching my baby feel ill. There are several signs my mini gives when she’s under the weather … but the biggest…

Greek Chicken and Salad

My quest for delicious low carb dinners led me to the Mediterranean … in theory only … I wish I could take a trip to Greece … but for the time being only my tastebuds can venture there. Greek chicken and it’s accompanying salad are so flavorful they…

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

A lifetime ago I worked at a local bakery. Managing the restaurant was hands down the best and worst job I’ve ever had. There is something to be said about being the boss … making your own schedule, not answering to anyone and just the general sense of…

Where’s my Maserati?

When Britney sang “you want a Maserati you better work b*itch,” she did me dirty. I started working when I was 15 and don’t even have a new Mazda. Brit does make a solid point, success requires hard work. But in reality how many of…