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Costco samples …. nothing is truly free

Something happens when humans enter Costco … they lose all sense of common decency and revert to animalistic tendencies.

What is about buying in bulk that transforms rational adults into bargain hunting, cart shoving, line cutting monsters?

The transformation is never more apparent than when a free sample is on the table. People hoard around little stainless-steel carts as if they’ve never tasted Gogurt before. And that’s just the beginning. Somewhere in the mess of people is an innocent employee …. Squeezing Gogurt like their life depends on it …. While people converge on them as if they were handing out a very rare caviar.

Not only do people crowd … they push and wait in weird little lines for tablespoon of “free” food. Then they grab 10 samples each and pass them to out to every single member of their extended family that have inexplicably appeared out of nowhere.

They seize and take until there is nothing left. Nothing for the little mother with her tiny blue-eyed baby who have been waiting patiently and safely near the Adidas sweat pants … available in all sizes in exactly two colors. And just when you think it might be safe to go into the trenches and grab a cup of precious Gogurt nectar … the sample lady shouts what she’s offering, and the entire process starts over again.

Costco … what a weird phenomenon … and don’t even get me started on trying to shop there on a Sunday ….

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