new mom

Costco samples …. nothing is truly free

Something happens when humans enter Costco … they lose all sense of common decency and revert to animalistic tendencies. What is about buying in bulk that transforms rational adults into bargain hunting, cart shoving, line cutting monsters? The transformation is never more apparent than when a free sample is on the…

Rain, trailer and a crankpot

Hubby and I could not wait to take our trailer to Mt. Hood for our second camping trip of the summer. We busily packed our traveling-abode with clothes, snacks, swimming gear, dog supplies and hit the open road. We were excited to unplug, unwind and relax … however that wasn…

Where did my newborn go?

It feels like it happened overnight … crawling, climbing and teething. Life will never be the same in the T-Witt household. Gone are the days of leaving Nug in the living room basically motionless while I switched laundry, used the restroom, worked or made a coffee. Now I have a…

Everybody in the club getting tipsy

You can find me in the club? Ahhhhhh no actually you cannot. The clubbing chapter of my life has closed … and not regrettably. I don’t like to metaphorically shut doors and dead bolt them … but I’ve built a mote patrolled by a dragon around this particular gate. Ten…

Expectations and your baby …. screw them

Having a baby is completely life changing. Other moms will appropriately alert you to postpartum delights, not sleeping and utter exhaustion. But where are the warnings about other people’s expectations surrounding your birth and baby? When it was time for Nugget to be induced I felt ready! Ready for…

Where’s my Maserati?

When Britney sang “you want a Maserati you better work b*itch,” she did me dirty. I started working when I was 15 and don’t even have a new Mazda. Brit does make a solid point, success requires hard work. But in reality how many of…

The GD…GD (gestational diabetes)

I’ll never forget my casual, dare I say naive, attitude surrounding the glucose test. The routine screening not only set the tone for the end of my pregnancy but overhauled my relationship with food … specifically carbs. I scheduled my glucose test for the day before my husband…

Hello there stranger

What do you say we get to know each other a bit? I’m a wife, new mother, friend, daughter … bla bla bla the list could go predictably on forever. I decided to start blogging after quitting my job (public information officer for a government transportation agency) to…