
Pandemic fatigue

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted on this little blog. During the pandemic I have struggled greatly with carving out time for myself, which is ironic considering I’ve never spent so much time at home. It’s been hard to mesh…

Afraid to leave

You know what sucks? Feeling afraid of every social interaction known to mankind. Covid seems to be everywhere, lurking in the shadows waiting to infect innocent bystanders. Usually summer is filled with pool parties, camping and bbqs. This summer has been filled with our backyard, a kiddie pool, Frozen and…

A little piece of normalcy

Life has been … let’s say … different the past couple months. Pre-COVID Nug and I loved to visit the zoo and admire the animals. If we are being honest, I loved it and Nug was rather indifferent. Understandably the zoo shuttered its doors during Oregon’s Stay Home Save…

Working from home

I always dreamed of the ability to work from home, it sounded like paradise. Wake up, roll out of bed and begin work in snuggly pajamas without judgement. In practice, with a toddler, things look different from the rosy picture painted above. I was accustomed to getting up, showering, putting…

Target I took you for granted

The glowing red bullseye lights up the night sky and my life. I’m “basic” that way, I love Target. I never realized how much I adored the monstrous retailer until I could no longer frequent it. It has everything one could want … ice cream, clothes, toothpaste, cleaning products (in…

Being a mom means …

Being a mom means giving everything you have to someone else Being a mom means loving someone exponentially more than yourself Being a mom means feeling crazy, tired, exhausted and somehow fulfilled Being a mom means missing texts, calls and time with friends Being a mom means skipping showers and…

Rain, trailer and a crankpot

Hubby and I could not wait to take our trailer to Mt. Hood for our second camping trip of the summer. We busily packed our traveling-abode with clothes, snacks, swimming gear, dog supplies and hit the open road. We were excited to unplug, unwind and relax … however that wasn…

Where did my newborn go?

It feels like it happened overnight … crawling, climbing and teething. Life will never be the same in the T-Witt household. Gone are the days of leaving Nug in the living room basically motionless while I switched laundry, used the restroom, worked or made a coffee. Now I have a…

Everybody in the club getting tipsy

You can find me in the club? Ahhhhhh no actually you cannot. The clubbing chapter of my life has closed … and not regrettably. I don’t like to metaphorically shut doors and dead bolt them … but I’ve built a mote patrolled by a dragon around this particular gate. Ten…

Work = me time

Well I’ve been back at work for nearly two months and it’s been great. Initially I was nervous to return after being off for nearly 7 months with Nugget. There were numerous fears … missing Nug, balancing working and momming and of course complete/epic failure. However my reservations…