
Dear Elsa, Anna and Olaf

Please accept this letter as your immediate eviction notice. You’ve taken over my house long enough! How does Frozen captivate young children and place them in a catatonic state? I am of course mainly kidding, but Nug’s obsession with the animated feature is REAL. She loves to…

A little piece of normalcy

Life has been … let’s say … different the past couple months. Pre-COVID Nug and I loved to visit the zoo and admire the animals. If we are being honest, I loved it and Nug was rather indifferent. Understandably the zoo shuttered its doors during Oregon’s Stay Home Save…

Working from home

I always dreamed of the ability to work from home, it sounded like paradise. Wake up, roll out of bed and begin work in snuggly pajamas without judgement. In practice, with a toddler, things look different from the rosy picture painted above. I was accustomed to getting up, showering, putting…

Pumpkin spice and everything nice

I’ll be the first to admit it … I’m not a summer creature. Hot days followed by warm nights are not my jam. I don’t want to see daylight at nearly 10 p.m. My bedtime is significantly earlier than that … who sleeps while the sun is out…

Where’s my Maserati?

When Britney sang “you want a Maserati you better work b*itch,” she did me dirty. I started working when I was 15 and don’t even have a new Mazda. Brit does make a solid point, success requires hard work. But in reality how many of…

Marionberry Coffee Cake

In March we took our first family trip with Nugget to Bend, Oregon. Bend holds a very special place in our family’s heart. It’s where I was born and where my husband and I said our vows. We would love to live there however the job…